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Publication Practices & Responsible Authorship
Printable Resources
Responsible Authorship fosters collaboration and fairness. We created some resources below on how to discuss authorship, how to identify roles & responsibilities for assigning authorship credit, and how to navigate authorship disputes. | |
If you plan to discuss Responsible Authorship, we have created a document that can be used as talking points or serve as a handout for students. Likewise, if you are beginning a collaborative project with the goal of publication, how do you navigate roles, responsbilities, and authorship? This handout serves a dual purpose! | Responsible Authorship |
The Office of Research Integrity also has Infographics for Authorship, we have linked them for you here! | ORI Ethical Writing |
And...the Office of Research Integrity has an Infographic for collaborative authorship practices as well! | ORI Authorship Practices to Avoid Conflict |
Authorship Agreement Template--a great way to establish roles and responsbilities to prevent potential authorship disputes! | Authorship Agreement Template |
Chairs--do you need help navigating an authorship dispute? Here is a guide. | Navigating Authorship Disputes |
Do you need information on publishing and Scholarly Communications? This link takes you to Appalachian State resources. | Scholarly Communication and Publishing |
Data Management
Data Management can be complex, when you take into account Open Science, data security, protecting human subjects, and publication practices. We have created some resources for you to use for teaching and your own reference. | |
Here is a short ppt video to introduce the basic principles of data management. | Data Management Video |
If you are interested in creating a data management policy for your lab, we created a checklist to help you think through what should be included. | Checklist for Laboratory Policy on Data Management |
The Office of Research Integrity (ORI) created an Infographic on responsible enhancing of images. | ORI Images |
And...ORI also has a list of questional practices regarding data that you should avoid in this Infographic! | ORI Avoid Misconduct |
Appalachian's IT Security Team has issued guidance on supported data storage applications and data sharing guidance. Use the link and scroll down to where it says Guidelines on the left. Links above and below provide some helpful resources. | IT Policies on Data |
Appalachian's Belk Library and Information Commons has a page under Digital Scholarship on data sharing platforms. | Data Sharing |
If you need to create a Data Management Plan for a sponsored project here is the link to get you started. |
Conflicts of Interest
While our COI webpages have many more resources, here is an explanation of COI in the context of RCR | |
This document is designed to be used as talking points and/or a handout for students to introduce them to the basic concepts of Conflicts of Interest. | COI Basics |
Human Participants
For information on Human Participants, please visit our IRB pages.
Animal Welfare
For information on animal welfare, please visit our IACUC FAQ page.
Intellectual Property
Description | Link |
We are working on bringing some resources to you! | |
External Links
- The US Department of Health & Human Services' Office of Research Integrity promotes integrity in biomedical and behavioral research:
- Interactive Video on Research Integrity (Note: Research Protections also has a copy to lend.)
- Just for fun: a YouTube video on research misconduct: Bad Project (Lady Gaga Parody) - How many QRP's can you spot?
- The Council of Graduate Schools Project for Scholarly Integrity
- The National Science Foundation supports two web sites that provide resources on ethics education:
- International Dimensions of Ethics Education in Science and Engineering
- On Being a Scientist: A Guide to Responsible Conduct in Research, Third Edition is available from the National Academies Press (202-334-3313 or 1-800-624-6242)
Additional Resources at Appalachian
- Faculty interested in joining an RCR listserv should email our office,
- Contact our office, and 262-2692, for assistance in developing an RCR training plan or to share RCR training resources.
Several committees exist at Appalachian to ensure that research, teaching and creative activities are conducted in adherence with federal laws, regulations and accepted practices:
- The Institutional Review Board reviews research with human subjects
- The Institutional Animal Care and Use Committee reviews all activities with live non-human vertebrate animals
- The Intellectual Property Development Advisory Council reviews intellectual property disclosures submitted by faculty, staff and students and makes recommendations to the Provost
- Mandatory Training for Research Assistants