IRB Questions - Please send to
May 5, 2021

Hello All,Nathanael has moved on to a new opportunity and is no longer employed at Appalachian State. Please send your questions and other communicati...

IRB Forms and Template Update
Dec 1, 2020

The Office of Research Protections has added, updated, or removed several documents on the IRB Forms and renamed Consent Guidance and T...

UNC-system server outages-IRBIS
Apr 21, 2020

Due to UNC-system wide server outages, access to IRBIS is currently limited and the processing of IRB applications will be delayed until the situation...

Research Protections' Updated Guidance Regarding COVID-19
Apr 8, 2020

We continue to monitor the changing impact of the COVID-19 epidemic on University operations, including continuity of research.  In conjunction w...

Research Protections Office Hours in LHHS!
Feb 7, 2020

We are excited to announce that members of the RP Office are available in the Levine Hall of Health Sciences 3 days a week!Our office is 448W (in the ...

Update to Payment for Human Subjects Guide
Jan 22, 2020

The guidelines for paying human research subjects are provided by the Controller's Office, not the IRB.  We have added some clarifications on our...

Spring IRB Meeting Dates and a Change in Deadlines
Dec 18, 2019

Hello, IRB meeting dates for the Spring semester have been posted.  We also have changed the due dates for submissions. Several years ago th...

IRB review status over the holiday break
Dec 18, 2019

Things have not slowed down in the IRB Office!  We are currently working our way through an unusually high number of studies at this time of year...

Office Closed - 12/23/19 - 1/1/20
Dec 13, 2019

Our office will be closed starting 12/23/19. We will return on 1/2/20. E-mail inboxes will be monitored periodically during this time period to a...

Welcome Nat Krancus!
Oct 29, 2019

Nathanael Krancus has joined our office as Associate Director and IRB Administrator.  Nat comes by way of the University of Washington where he h...