11/6/19 IRB Workshop tailored for graduate students
Oct 28, 2019

Robin Tyndall is hosting an IRB workshop in Leon Levine Hall, room 319 on Wednesday November 6 from 3pm-5pm. This workshop is tailored for graduate st...

IRB - Student Corner
Oct 7, 2019

Thanks to the hard work of Morgan Coyle, we now have a page that can help answer student researcher's questions in regards to Human Subject Research. ...

Webinar on Pediatric Risk in Research UPDATED WITH LOCATION
Sep 5, 2019

If you conduct research with children (under 18), consider attending this webinar on September 18 at 1pm at the Leon Levine Health Sciences building r...

IRBIS - RAMSES - AIR Servers - Service interrupted (8/22/19)
Aug 22, 2019

UNC experienced a network outage last night and they are working to get thing stable again. As a result, access to our ERA systems such as IRBIS, RAMS...

IRBIS And AIR offline after 5pm today (6/25/2019)
Jun 25, 2019

Hello,Our ERA-systems (including IRBIS and AIR) will be offline today starting at 5:00 pm for about 4 hours for some updates. You will be unable to ac...

No IRB Meeting in June
May 15, 2019

Our IRB will not convene in June. Any proposals that are submitted will be reviewed during the July meeting.Please plan accordingly....

CITI now offering Audio-Visual modules
Apr 19, 2019

CITI has storted offering some audio-visual modules as part of their online courses. Initially some of these modules will online be available in the&n...

Informed Consent Workshop!
Apr 8, 2019

The Office of Research Protections, Appalachian Regional Healthcare System, and Blue Cross NC Institute for Health and Human Services are teaming up t...

IRBIS back online
Apr 8, 2019

After a brief interruption this morning, IRBIS is back online and working. There are still some errors behind the scenes which should not affect your ...

Introduction to the Concise Summary Statement
Mar 13, 2019

Robin created a short video to explain what the Concise Summary Statement means to you as a researcher. Please follow the link below to see the video:...