Biosafety: Institutional Biosafety Council (IBC)

scientistThe Institutional Biosafety Council (IBC) will review research involving the use of recombinant DNA molecules to ensure it is conducted safely and in compliance with guidelines established by the National Institutes of Health and the Center for Disease Control. The IBC will assure the safety of the research for the university and general community by providing outreach, education and support for principal investigators and their staff.

Generally, the term recombinant DNA refers to novel "unnatural" DNA molecules that are engineered by joining natural or synthetic DNA segments to DNA molecules that can replicate in a living cell. The possibility for novel life forms of unknown toxicity or environmental hazard has been a concern since rDNA technology was invented in 1973. For these reasons, rDNA is considered a potential biohazard, and NIH has mandated that research institutions monitor and regulate its use.


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IBC Contact Information

Biosafety Forms

You can find the Biosafety forms on our IBC Forms page.

Biosafety Meetings and Membership

The Biosafety Council meets on an as-needed basis. View upcoming meeting dates and IBC membership