Cayuse Resources

The Office of Research Protections at Appalachian State University implemented the Hazard Safety (IBC) protocol-processing software by Cayuse in June 2022. Paper forms no longer exist. All existing protocols (the final PDFs, amendments, etc.) were migrated into Cayuse with their original expiration dates.  Notifications for continuing (annual) reviews and three-year expiration will come from the Cayuse system. Please check your spam box if you are not receiving these notifications. 

To Access the system, click on the Biosafety (IBC) tab at the top of the page to take you back to the home landing page. Click the “Hazard Safety (IBC) Log in” button located in the left column with the CITI training button and log in with your AppState ID and password. Please contact the IBC Administrator at if you have any questions.



How to create a protocol in Cayuse  This guide walks you through the creation of a new protocol in Cayuse. 
How to transfer protocols to Cauyse  This guide explains how you can transfer an exisiting protocol to the Cayuse system. 
Cayuse Animal Oversight and Hazard Safety Researcher Manual  This guide provides a comprehensive overview of the Cayuse system.
How to add personnel to a protocol in CayuseThis guide is to show researchers how to add personnel to an already approved protocol. Researchers will need to complete this process via an amendment in Cayuse.