All individuals planning to conduct activities involving nonhuman vertebrate animals must fill out the appropriate Health Risk Assessment form and send to iacuc@appstate.edu.

  1. Students who have paid their student health fees should use the OHS Student form.
  2. Everyone else should use the OHS Faculty/Staff form (includes students who have not paid the health fee).
  3. Electronic (typed or inserted via Adobe sign) signatures are accepted, no need to print and sign.

No IACUC work may be conducted until the appropriate forms are submitted and approved by the IACUC office.

FormPurposeVersion Date
OHS Form for Faculty/Staff

Before you complete this form, be sure you have completed the required online species-specific training provided by Appalachian State on either the CITI site or the IACUC Community AsULearn site. If you have questions about the form, please contact iacuc@appstate.edu or call Research Protections at 2692. The completed form must be cleared by the Appalachian District Health Department or your medical provider.

OHS Form for Students 

This form is for students who have paid their student health fee.  If you have questions about the form, please contact iacuc@appstate.edu or call Research Protections at 2692. The completed form must be cleared by Student Health Services before student can work with animals.  Please visit the Policies & Guidelines page for more information.

Post-Approval Monitoring FAQ  06/22/2018
Post-Approval Monitoring Review Checklist 09/30/2022