COI Forms & Tutorials

All disclosures should be made using the Cayuse Outside Interest platform. .

Use the link above to log into Cayuse, then choose:

  • New Disclosure (top right corner of your screen)
  • "Start a new Annual Disclosure"; or
  • "Start a new Research-Based disclosure"

COI Tutorials



Annual COI Walkthrough

This PDF tutorial provides a step-by-step guide on how to complete an Annual COI disclosure in the Cayuse system.

NOTE: The EPAP disclosure has been incorporated into our Annual COI disclosure. You do not need to complete a 2nd form.

Annual COI Review ProcessThis PDF tutorial provides a step-by-step guide for COI approvers on how to review and process an Annual COI disclosure in the Cayse system 
Annual COI Disclosure videoThis video walks you through the Annual COI disclosure step by step
Research-Based COI WalkthroughThis PDF tutorial provides a step-by-step guide on how to complete a Research-Based COI disclosure in the Cayuse system

COI Forms




Simple Management PlanUse the template for conflicts where the financial value is less than $5,000V.1.1 - June 2019
Relational Conflict PlanUse this template when immediate family members are on a project togetherV.1 - June 2019
Complex Management PlanUse this template when the financial vlaue of the conflict is more than $5,000, if it is PHS funded, or if there is a institutional conflictV.2 - June 2019
SHRA Secondary Employment FormFor SHRA involved in a second job the Secondary Employment form is used by HRDecember 2015
Financial COI NotificationThis form should be used to notify any project members of a financial conflict. The supervisor keeps all signed lettersV.1 - June 2019 
Relational COI NotificationThis form should be used  to notify all parties on a research team of the relationship that generates a potential conflictV.1 - June 2019